Cumulative distance: 143 mi
Average speed: 16.6 mph
Climb:3435 ft
Total climb: 9447 ft
We started our second day in Pine Valley, CA at an elevation of 4000 ft and a temperature of 36 degrees.
We quickly climbed 500 feet to our highest elevation in California of 4500 ft. The ride for the rest of the day was mostly downhill as we ended in Brawley, CA at an elevation of 113 ft below sea level and a temperature of 80, which is about as good as it gets in this low desert area. We rode through the Yuma Desert, lunch on the road.
We rode along the US/Mexican border for a good part of the day. Often we were close to the ugly wall the US has put up to slow down illegal immigration.
Along the way we met Emilo from Italy, who lives in Brussels working for the European Commisssion. He is doing the same ride we are on a solo basis. Our new group of two
Americans, a Canadian, a German, and an Italian plan to have a nice Mexican dinner tonight.
Great Job on the Blog, guys. Really appreciate the pictures and following the ride!