Cumulative Distance: 1,912 mi (3,077 km)
Average Speed: 16.6 mph (26.7 kph)
Climb: 3,254 ft (992 m)
Cumulative Climb: 102,630 ft (31,282 m)
Flats: 0
Cumulative Flats: 11
We had a pleasant last day in Texas. The roads were generally good, the terrain flat, and the winds mild, though in our face for almost all of the 92 mile ride. We went through the pine forests north of Beaumont on long straight roads lined with trees.
The main industry here is logging and we saw dozens of logging trucks going in every direction during the day. Many areas along our route had been clear cut.
Gaby picked a nice shady lunch spot along busy US 96. We could smell a paper mill in the distance during our lunch.
As we get closer to the bayous, the flowers change. We saw our first azaleas, which are in bloom, just like at Augusta.
Hello Friends... the highlight of my day is reading your blog and enjoying the ride with you all! As you know, the trans-con is/was a fantasy of mine...and maybe someday I can be part of the adventure you are all enjoying. In the meantime, Phil and I had hoped to be able to rendevous with you in Florida (perhaps drive your van so you could cycle together on the final day...)...but my work schedule is looking a bit difficult for the next 2 weeks... Call me when you have a sense about the grand finale date, please.