Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 13: Van Horn to Ft Davis, TX

Pictures have been added.

Distance: 90.2 mi (145.2 km)
Cumulative Distance: 1095.2 (1,762.6 km)
Average Speed: 16.1 mph (25.9 kph)
Climb: 5,409 ft (1,648.7 m)
Cumulative Climb: 62,663 (19,077.7 m)
Flats: 1
Cumulative Flats: 10

We started out knowing this would be a tough day and it was - yes there are mountains in Texas!

About a mile from the hotel we experienced flat number ten - Gaby’s fifth - and it was about our 3rd or 4th straight “thistle flat” - caused by small, hard, sharp thistles that seem to be everywhere. We are now running dangerously short of spare tubes and are on a constant lookout for a bike shop.

Soon after that we moved out of the flat, boring countryside southeast of El Paso and onto a beautiful Texas mountain route - we took lots of pictures, only a few of which are included.

The nice thing about the mountains is that they are beautiful - the bad thing is that they can be draining on a bike - and today they were.

We had a great picnic about 500’ below the 6200’ high point of the ride, where the U of Texas McDonald Observatory is located.

This is also the high point for the remainder of our trip - we will never see 6200 feet again! The 2000’ descent from the observatory was a welcome relief and even more welcoming was the wonderful historic hotel we had booked for the evening in Fort Davis and a cold beer on the veranda.

The Jeff Davis County court house is a beautiful building.

Ja, fur mich hat derTag nicht so gut angefangen. Schon wieder ein Platten und die winzigen Dornen sind kaum zu finden. Es war ein anstrengender Tag und wir sind alle rechtschaffen mude. Wenn man dann den nachsten Tag betrachtet, wird es auch nicht viel einfacher.

Es hat mich total uberrascht, vievielel Leute mit dem Rad unterwegs sind und es gibt sogar einen Mann, der von West nach Ost radelt und nur ein Bein hat. Bravo !!!

Nebenbei bemerkt, ist die Luft seit wir San Diego verlassen haben so trocken, dass die Finger aufplatzen und ich standing Nasenbluten habe. Aber sonst ist alles paletti..

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